Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Congressman's position on Stop Act

                    Once again cats got Congressman Pat Tiberi's Tongue 

Congressman Pat Tiberi
R-OH 12th District

The Kent State Computer-Assisted Reporting class did a follow up with their congressmen on behalf of the new Stop Act. 

60 minutes produced a piece giving insight on how congressmen raise money. The viewer was informed that congressmen spends nearly four hours a day making phone calls to citizens hoping they will donate money. 

Congressman David Jolly created the Stop Act in hopes to ban congressmen from making calls for dollars. On jolly.house.gov website Jolly says, “It’s time members of congress stop asking people for money and start doing their jobs.  Let’s close the integrity gap and the performance gap of our elected officials by eliminating their fundraising solicitations and put them back to work.”

When calling Tiberi's Washington Office in regards to getting his position on the new act, I was advised that his Press Aide, Olivia Hnat, was not in the office and it was best to reach her at olivia.hnat@mail.house.gov. Below is a screen grab of the Email that was sent on April 28th.

I have yet to receive any response from Congressman Pat Tiberi's office. 

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