Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Congresswomen Beatty Yields No Information on the Stop Act

Joyce Beatty
District 3
Democratic Party Member

After calling Congresswoman Joyce Beatty's District of Columbia office twice I first was directed to leave a message with the office secretary. He told me I would receive a call back later that afternoon. When I did not receive a return phone call I called a second time and I was sent through to a voicemail, which had no name. I left a message asking them to call me back by Monday at noon. 

I did receive a call back, in the late hours of Friday evening, which I missed and a voicemail was left on my phone with the name “Dominic” (no last name given) and a return phone number.

Upon trying to return his call three separate times (one time within the hour that he called) it notified me that the phone number I was given was invalid. I then tried to call back the number whom called me, which then I was told that the congressional number had been disconnected and it was a non-working number at the U.S. House of Representatives \.

Beatty does have the act listed under, “Legislation Sponsored or Cosponsored by Joyce Beatty,” on her congress.gov page, but there is no indication of support in favor and I was unable to get a response directly from her press aide.

133 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone:  202-225-4324
Fax:  202-225-1984
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm

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