Tuesday, May 3, 2016

No response from press secretary

According to a 60 Minutes report, it is recommended by the party each member spends four hours a day calling to raise money. I was looking for a response from Republican Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania.

I called the Washington D.C. office last Thursday (04/28/2016) afternoon. I received the email of the press secretary, Tom Quarltere. I emailed him last Thursday, had a set deadline for noon Monday (05/02/2016) for him to respond. 

The Stop Act is as follows: it prohibits elected members of Congress from directly soliciting campaign contributions. Republican David W. Jolly was the one who introduced the bill.

According to the 60 Minutes report this is the Model Daily Schedule - DC: 4 hours for call time. 1-2 hours constituent visits. 2 hours* committee/floor. 1 hour for strategic outreach (breakfasts, meet & greets and press). And also 1 hour for recharge time. 

Republican Mike Kelly (PA)
The press secretary for Mike Kelly did not respond. 

In my opinion, I think every politician needs to respond the the press, no matter what it is. The politician in my opinion needs to respond no matter what the subject is. The interview should only last for about five minutes of the politician's time. 

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