Thursday, May 12, 2016

No Comment from Congresswomen Fudge on the Stop Act

Congressman David Jolly (R-FL) has introduced bill HR 4443, known as the Stop Act, to legislation to make it illegal for members of Congress to ask for your money.

According to Jolly's petition website, it's recommended that a congressman should spend four hours a day on the phone trying to raise money for their own campaign from citizens in their district. The Stop Act is aimed to discontinue this method of financial gaining.

Another Congressman that has sided with the Stop Act is Steve Israel (D-NY). Israel said in a column he wrote in The New York Times that he spent roughly 4,200 hours in call time and attended more than 1,600 fund-raisers for his campaign alone.

For a more local opinion one the Stop Act, I tried to contact Congresswomen Marcia Fudge (D-OH 11) on her thoughts on the pending bill. According to the Congresswomen's press secretary, Lauren Williams, Fudge declined to comment. "The Congresswomen will not be commenting at this time," Williams said.

Congresswomen Marcia Fudge (D-OH 11)

I find it absurd that Congress members spend as much as 4 hours a day on the phone trying to get money for their own good.  As a member of Congress, it's your job to help the people you represent. Instead of taking time out of your work day on the phone trying to gain money for campaigns, maybe you could instead use that time to better the communities you serve.    
Drew Jones-Kent State University 

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