Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Joyce's Office Doesn't Respond to Request for Position on Stop Act

   Ohio Congressman David Joyce (R, 14), and his press aide Dino DiSanto did not respond to a phone call and email sent April 28 seeking Joyce's position on HR 4443, also known as the Stop Act. An additional call made April 29 was also not returned. Calls were placed to both the Cleveland and Washington DC offices and they were informed of the noon deadline May 2 for information.

   A recent 60 Minutes story took a closer look at the Stop Act and how congressmen are spending many hours dialing for dollars each week. The interview can viewed at: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/60-minutes-are-members-of-congress-becoming-telemarketers/. 


   I think it is very upsetting that members of Congress are spending hours of their days dialing for dollars when there are so many other things they could be doing to serve the people. Congress is elected to work for us, but often times they do not fulfill what they are elected to do. It is also upsetting that Joyce's office could not respond to any of my requests for information. 

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