Tuesday, May 3, 2016

NO Response from Jim Jordan on the Stop Act

Jim Jordan’s Office did not respond to our request for his stance on the Stop Act. I contacted the office by phone and email on Thursday April 28, 2016 after viewing the 60 minutes’ report on the Stop Act.

As 60 Minute's reported the Stop Act is a bill, to stop the dialing for dollars fundraising technique. This popular way of raising funds is in place currently by both major parties. Members of Congress are expected to put 25 hours a week fundraising to get reelected. The 60 minutes’ report stated that congressman needs to collect 18 thousand dollars per week in donations. They are placed in call centers near the Capital Building to sit and call list of possible donors.

When calling the Washington office the  secretary informed me that press secretary Darin Miller, the press secretary was out of the office, on Thursday. After leaving a voicemail on Millers phone and sending a very simple email asking Miller, Jordan’s stance on the Stop Act. We received NO response from the office by our deadline Monday May 2nd.


I personally believe it is wrong that congress is spending so much time fundraising. If I tried to do such a thing at work, I would be fired in a minute. Who is holding congress accountable, why isn't more reporting being done on this topic. The overall opinion on congress is at an all time low, I wonder why, when they are not fighting for the American people. Also we elect these officials, when they don't respond on such a hot topic it shows in my opinion they don't care. 

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