Tuesday, May 3, 2016

No comment on Stop Act from Renacci

Congressman James Renacci
R-OH 16th District

The computer-asssisted reporting class at Kent State University followed up with Congressman James Renacci after 60 minutes produced a story about the amount of time the congressmen in this country use to make phone calls to raise money.  This sparked a project named Congress Dialing for Dollars. This project asked questions based around a new bill that was put forward by Congressman David Jolly called The Stop Act.  

On Jolly's website he says, "We can't have a part-time Congress in a full-time world. Americans wonder why we haven't defeated ISIS, secured our border, provided health care for veterans, or reduced the national debt. Here's why. Too many in Congress are more focused on raising money than solving the problems people elected them to fix." 

The act prohibits elected members of Congress from directly soliciting campaign contributions.  

Congressman Renacci's office did not respond to any emails or phone calls about the Congressman's stance on The Stop Act or how many hours a week he spends making phone calls. 

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