Tuesday, May 3, 2016

How do Congressmen Spend Their Time?

The Stop Act was put forward in January, to stop the hours of phone time members of Congress spend calling to raise money, or "dialing for dollars". The act prohibits member of Congress from directly soliciting campaign contributions. 

60 Minutes reported that party members are recommended to spend four hours a day in calling booths, in an effort to raise money. 

After hearing the 60 Minutes report, the computer-assisted reporting class at Kent State University decided to contact members of Congress' press aids to find out their members views on the Stop Act.

Congressmen Robert Brady's Chief of Staff, Stanley White spoke on Brady's behalf.

Robert "Bob" Brady
U.S. Representative for Pennsylvania's 1st congressional district

White said that Congressman Brady does not spend any time making fundraising calls. 

"He doesn't make fundraising calls as a rule. He's made two or three on behalf of other members or candidates over the past 16 years. But I don't know of any he's made for his own congressional campaign."

White said that the Congressman has not publicly objected to the amount of time members are expected to spend fund raising, but he did not give an explanation as to why Brady has not objected. 

 White proceeded to say "You might also consider the fact that an elected official from PA might not give a darn about an Ohio student paper reporting that he didn't respond to questioning." 

By: Nadia Assim


I find it very wasteful that dialing for dollars is how the Congressmen are spending their time. There are more pressing issues in our country right now that they should be focused on.
In my effort to get in contact with Congressman Brady, I was very disturbed at the way I was talked to and I do not think Congressmen and their staff need to be so hostile when answering questions. It makes them seem very sneaky, like they are trying to hide something. 

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