Tuesday, May 3, 2016

No Answers From Kaptur's Office on Stop Act

  The office of Representative Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) was contacted April 29 about her position on HR 4443, also known as the Stop Act. This act would prohibit members of congress from soliciting potential donors for financial support. 60 Minutes reported members of congress are expected to spend as much as 30 hours each week dialing for dollars.
  Representative Kaptur's press aide, Nicole Dailey Jones was asked about Kaptur's position on the Stop Act and said she would work to answer the questions. The deadline for this was May 2 at noon. Dailey Jones failed to respond with the requested information.

I was very disappointed to learn that members of the United States Congress are spending their time calling for political donations instead of working on behalf of the American people. This is simply unacceptable behavior for an individual the people have elected to represent them in Congress.

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